Chain Stitch

A photo of chain stitch embroidered in blue thread on a white fabric.



Instructions (given in video):


Chain stitch is one of my favourite stitches - it adds some lovely texture and boldness to your lines.  It's great for lettering, too.
Note: this is the 'backwards' way to do chain stitch, but the outcome is exactly the same. I find it easier and use it all the time.
Instructions (given in video):
  1. Start with a tiny stitch - just a couple of millimetres.
  2.  Come up a stitch length away.
  3. Then, pass your needle through your original, tiny stitch, staying this side of the fabric...and go back down the hole you came up through. This is your first link in the chain.
  4. Continue - come up another stitch length away, pass your needle under the previous stitch, then back in the same hole.

If you've got any questions, add them below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!


1 thought on “Chain Stitch

Mary Ronda

In embroidering the chain stitch on a bib, how do I end the stitch on the bib?? You don’t demonstrate that.
Paraffle Embroidery replied:
Hi Mary! I’d do Chain Stitch on a bib just like other lines of stitching – once you’ve done your last link in the chain, your needle should be at the back of the fabric, and then I’d just tie off as usual!

September 2, 2021 at 08:15am

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