A cream tote bag hangs against a blue wall. The tote bag is embroidered with a sampler embroidery design in rainbow colours.
A person stands side on, holding a cream tote bag over their shoulder. The bag is stitched with an embroidery sampler design in rainbow colours.
An embroidery hoop holds a piece of cream fabric, against a blue background. The fabric is stitched with a rainbow embroidery sampler design.

Sampler Tote Bag Kit

£ 30.00

 Learn embroidery and stitch something useful with this classic Sampler Tote Kit.

This kit teaches basic embroidery stitches such as Back Stitch, French Knots, and Satin Stitch - and makes a handy tote that you can carry your projects in!

Sammy's Note: This design was inspired by traditional embroidery samplers, which show off various stitches (and are a great way to learn and practice each one). I gave this one a bit of a modern update, with some bright rainbow colours to show off the gorgeous DMC thread.

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