Woven Picot Stitch makes a striking 3D effect - it’s a simple one to create, just with needle and thread!
For Picot Stitch, you need 2 needles. In this tutorial, I used 3 strands out of 6.
Picot Stitch is usually done with 3 spokes, but can be done with 5 - as long as it’s an odd number.
- Take your first needle, and insert it into the fabric at the top point of your triangle.
- Bring up the tip of your needle as far down the middle line of the triangle as you can - ideally at the bottom of the shape, so it lays flat against the fabric.
- Thread your second needle, and bring it up at the bottom left point.
- Loop the thread under the top of your needle; then bring your needle down at the bottom right point.
- Pull the thread tight - this will create the structure of your stitch.
- Come up at the bottom of your triangle, on the centre line and just to the left of your needle.
- Again, bring the thread under the top point of your needle.
- Pull tight again - these are the 3 spokes that you’ll use to weave your Picot Stitch.
- Then, start to weave! Take your needle under the right spoke; under the middle; and over the left. Pull this really tight - this will make sure the tip of your stitch stays neat.
- Then, work in the other direction, alternating over and under - go under the left spoke, over the middle, and under the right, to create another row. Pull this tight, too. The first 2 rows are the only ones you’ll pull tight - the rest of your stitches should be loose.
- Continue weaving your thread over and under, making sure you alternate each row. Keep the thread fairly loose, so that it sits against the spokes - pulling too tight will make it all bunch together, losing the triangle shape. For a really tidy weave, be quite careful with the placement of each row - use your finger or a needle to nudge the threads into place, as they tend to bulge downwards in the middle.
- Once you’ve reached the bottom of your shape, bring the needle to the back of the fabric behind one of your spokes, and tie off.
- Finally, remove your first needle! The point of the Picot Stitch should lift off the fabric, staying attached at the base. You can use a small anchor stitch to attach the point to the fabric, So that the stitch curves out of the fabric.
1 thought on “Picot Stitch”
Wow, that is so clever! That would be wonderful for bunting, petals, dinosaur spikes, the sails of little boats, succulents – just sets off so many ideas in my head. Must have a play with that. Thanks for the “how to” that would have been a tricky one to do from a diagram.
Paraffle Embroidery replied:
I love those ideas Rhonda – dinosaurs, boats, succulents – you’ve given me a lot of inspiration! Glad you enjoyed the tutorial!